Linda Evans Delman
Linda Evans Delman has been an international consultant and educator in the fields of Psychology, Conscious Movement and Spirituality for over 30 years. She trained directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and is an authorized Feldenkrais® trainer. She has been deeply influenced by Spacial Dynamics™, Eurythmy, Meditation, Prayer and Mother Nature. She joined the faculty of the Embodied Life School™ in 2015.
Category: Guest Teacher
Upcoming Programs by Linda Evans Delman

Embodied Life™ JON-JOHO ELMP Week 2
Also with Russell Delman
A warm welcome to the Dharma Sangha in the Zen Buddhist Center Black Forrest! JON-JOHO ELMP Week 2 Please book your room and meals for your stay at ZBZS by clicking the button "register". All prices include accommodation, meals but not the tuition fee. To register and pay for the retreat please click here: https://theembodiedlife.org/calendar/ […]

The Embodied Life™ explores: "Returning to Essence and the Ground of Being"
Also with Russell Delman
Join Russell and Linda at the serene Johanneshof Zen Center. This is a Public retreat so all are invited. "Who are you before your parents were born?" This illuminating Zen question, usually spoken as "Original Face", opens an inquiry into a quality of Being before, within and beyond our usual self-identities. Can we both value […]