Russell Delman
Russell Delman began his study of body/mind perspectives and human potential in 1969 as an undergraduate student in psychology. His life long commitment toward awareness and freedom began consciously at this time, along with his practice of Zen meditation.
Through workshops at The Esalen Institute (1971), living at the Gestalt Institute of Canada (1972), travels in the jungles of South America (1973), being trained as a yoga teacher (1974) and studying Gestalt therapy with Dr. Robert Hall (1975-1978), Russell deepened his self-knowledge. His training and deep personal relationship with Moshe Feldenkrais began in 1975, during the first professional training program offered in the U.S. Starting in 2006, Russell was profoundly influenced by his very moving friendship with Gene Gendlin, the originator of “Focusing”.
In 1984, Russell became one of the first people in the world authorized to lead Feldenkrais® Professional training programs. Since that time he has taught in more than 50 of these programs internationally and directed/designed 10. Russell has helped in the training of more than 3000 Feldenkrais teachers around the world.
Upcoming Programs by Russell Delman

Embodied Life™ JON-JOHO ELMP Week 2
Also with Linda Evans Delman
A warm welcome to the Dharma Sangha in the Zen Buddhist Center Black Forrest! JON-JOHO ELMP Week 2 Please book your room and meals for your stay at ZBZS by clicking the button "register". All prices include accommodation, meals but not the tuition fee. To register and pay for the retreat please click here: https://theembodiedlife.org/calendar/ […]

The Embodied Life™ explores: "Returning to Essence and the Ground of Being"
Also with Linda Evans Delman
Join Russell and Linda at the serene Johanneshof Zen Center. This is a Public retreat so all are invited. "Who are you before your parents were born?" This illuminating Zen question, usually spoken as "Original Face", opens an inquiry into a quality of Being before, within and beyond our usual self-identities. Can we both value […]